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RFP: Mayor's Youth at Work Partnership

February 01, 2021
Kids Hope Alliance has made funds available for an organization to provide effective Mayor’s Youth at Work Partnership (MYAWP) programming serving a minimum of 300 youth. Additional funds will be made available exclusively for youth salaries. Closing Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021.  
The Mayor’s Youth at Work Partnership is based on a youth employment community-based model that will serve youth throughout Jacksonville. This model will provide youth paid experiences that:
  1. Introduce youth to the world of work and expose participants to career pathways and opportunities
  2. Help build essential work-readiness skills
  3. Orient participants to educational pathways that support life and career goals
  4. Introduce youth to the benefits of asset building, banking access, and economic mobility.

Click here for more information. Any questions, contact Annette Burney at 904-255-8810 or email
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